
ダイバーシティ推進Special企画 with 小池都知事 X カリスマ女性編集長 by Bloomberg

Tokyo Women’s Community では、2017年5月10日(水)にブルームバーグ・フィランソロピーズのパートナーである日本科学未来館にて、「私が変われば明日が変わる!~新年度から始める”自分らしい”働き方~」と題した特別セミナーを開催。約170名の国内外金融機関や事業法人の経営幹部、ダイバーシティ推進部門ご担当様、政府機関、そして学生の皆様にご参加いただきました。

これらの動きを背景にこの度は、東京都知事 小池百合子氏をキーノートスピーカーとしてお招きし、東京都が掲げる3つの「シティ」の一つである「ダイバーシティ」の取り組みについて英語でご講演いただきました。女性を含めすべての都民が存分に自分らしく、本来の力を最大限に発揮できる社会には何が必要なのか、働き方改革などの取り組みについてお話いただきました。

基調講演の後のパネルディスカッションでは、女性のエンパワメントや多様性の向上に力をいれているカリスマ女性編集長3名、日経ウーマン編集長 安原ゆかり氏、プレジデントウーマン編集長 今井道子氏、コスモポリタン編集長 白重絢子氏にご登壇にいただきました。「自分らしい幸せな働き方」をテーマにアンケートや統計を駆使した貴重なご意見とご経験を共有いただきました。


Bloomberg Special Event on Diversity
Featuring Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike & Influential Editors

Over 170 leaders from business, government, academia and the press gathered in Tokyo as part of our global newsmaker series for a discussion on the changing foundation and dynamics of working life in Japan.

At an event held at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan), a philanthropic partner of Bloomberg, Tokyo Governor and keynote speaker Yuriko Koike and a panel of women leaders representing prominent media in Japan discussed how to foster a society that allows everyone to achieve a fulfilling and balanced working life.

A diverse and inclusive culture has always been key to the success of Bloomberg. We work with our global partners to promote a working environment where all employees feel respected for their diversity, are empowered to impact the business, and feel like they can achieve a fulfilling career.

2017 marks 45 years following Japan’s passing of the Working Women’s Welfare Law and over 30 years since the enactment of the Equal Employment Opportunity Act . The Japanese government has accelerated its plans to bring about full-scale work-style reform, unveiling an action plan to address the issue earlier this year.

In her keynote address, Governor Koike noted that while innovation in science and technology is undoubtedly important to the future of Tokyo, an analogous progress in the mindsets of its citizens to embrace a diverse and open culture is imperative. Ms. Koike shared her own multifaceted career journey which saw her graduating from Cairo University and working as an interpreter and a television news anchor before entering the world of politics. She believed her unusual path of diverse experiences allowed her to break through tradition and achieve her ambition to shape policy matters, hence allowing her to realize a fulfilling working life.

In the panel discussion, three prominent editors from Nikkei Woman, President Woman, and Cosmopolitan, discussed the prospect of realizing a purposeful career and the value of diversity in the workplace.

For more details, please read the press announcement.

Agenda of the event in English